
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

House Beautiful put together a slideshow of green interiors to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and I was thrilled to stumble upon this kitchen designed by Gideon Mendelson. The combination of white cabinetry, dark flooring, the punchy green island, and just a hint of turquoise in the plate display is brilliant — but it's the gingham ceiling that stole my heart. Mendelson had the design painted on the ceiling but I imagine you could achieve the same effect with wallpaper. Do you love it as much as I do? Happy St. Patrick's Day!

P.S. Happy, happy, happy birthday to my friend and housemate Kelly, who turns 22 today!


Cassie said...

It's soooo green! But cute nonetheless and perfect for the holiday!

elisa said...

I was so focused on the island that I didn't even notice the great gingham ceiling. It's just the right mix of color and white.

Alecia @ Tchotchkes etc. said...

I love the green island - so gorgeous and perfect for Patty's day!

I'm also amazed at how great the baskets above the cabinetry look - I've got a few above our kitchen cabinets - not really as a design feature but more because its the only place they'll fit - and I always look at them with dismay because they look so messy.


CapeCodCollegiate said...

Green is my favorite color so I'm a complete supporter of this kitchen!