
Top It Off

I'm a skinny jeans kind of girl. I wear them with boots, flats, heels, you name it. I usually equate dresses and skirts with getting dolled up — as in I don't gravitate to them on a daily basis when I'm running errands or working from home. To keep my skinny jean obsession (with this pair in particular) from getting stale, I'm determined to add a few more colorful tops to my closet...

A girl can dream, can't she? ;) Check out more of my spring shopping list on Currently Obsessed.

Three Unexpected Places To Paint

1. The backs of your bookshelves (I'm digging this apple green and light blue combo)... 
2. Your front door (hello, hot pink!)... 
3. Your ceiling (in the same or a contrasting color)... 
What fun spots have you painted in your place?

*all images here

In the mood for spring...

I don't know about your neck of the woods but here in Connecticut we've got plenty of sunshine but no warm weather to show for it. How does that work out? In any event, early March isn't too early to start thinking all things spring...

I'm looking forward to running around town in a flouncy skirt and ballet flats! By the way... I'm on the hunt for fresh fashion inspiration for our new column! Who has a few favorite fashion blogs I might not have heard of? Be sure to comment below!