

We just added a handful of new products to Design Darling {The Boutique} and I hope you'll click over and take a peek! I'm crazy about these summery statement necklaces (this one in particular) and I think this business card holder is kind of the cutest thing ever. Check out all the new goodies here and let me know what you think! xx

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I sort of hesitate to admit this... But sneakers have totally become part of my weekend look. Before you cringe at the thought of me in athletic sneakers and skinny jeans (seriously, why is this legal?) let's clarify. There's something playful and maybe just a teensy bit hipster about wearing sneakers with a dress or shorts (yes, I realize pink gingham negates any notion of hipsterdom here). 

I have these in gray and these in white but lately I've been craving a little color. If I wear neon ballet flats, why shouldn't I have hot pink sneakers too? Enter Superga: an Italian company known for its classic tennis sneakers in a bevy of colors, currently creative directed by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. Colorful, comfy, and cute as can be — need I say more?

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I went on a date a couple weeks ago and the guy (boy? date? kid? man? none of these sound right...) asked me the one trait I'd most like to improve about myself. I thought it was a great question, especially for someone you don't know very well. He said he's trying to be less judgmental before getting to know people. I thought about it for a moment and decided on...

Patience. I might be the least patient person in the world. Waiting in line at Starbucks is a daily exercise in restraint. Walking behind an elderly person/woman on a cell phone with a stroller and two small dogs/person with zero body awareness (aren't those the worst?) gets me more worked up than I care to admit. I'm not proud of it... but there are times I've actually had to stop myself from hitting my computer because my Internet connection was so infuriatingly slow. I'm impatient with myself, with others, and with inanimate objects... Not good.

What do you do to try to be patient? Sometimes I think it's just a question of stepping back, taking a deep breath, and realizing it's not really worth getting worked up over... Easier said than done, of course. If you have any tips or tricks, you know I'm all ears.

This isn't a pity party but I do think it's important to acknowledge that we're all works in progress and that there's always room for improvement. What's one trait you'd like to work on? I'd love to hear!

*more images here

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