
Pink Packs A Punch.

One of the many reasons I love Pinterest is that it functions as a virtual inspiration board for all the looks I'm loving of late. Today my fashion board made it clear I'm craving a pop of pink in clothing, makeup, and accessories. I highly recommend the site, which comes with a "Pin It" bookmarklet so you can instantly save any image from any site onto any one of your inspiration boards. And did you hear that a Pinterest iPhone app is on its way? Brilliant. Here are a few things on my mind:

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P.S. I'm sharing my [totally cheesy] musical stylings on Kalyn Johnson's blog Possess Your Style today. Please stop by if you have the chance!

No. 23

It's been a little while since I shared an item on my 101 in 1001 list so I thought I'd return with a simple and sweet resolution today. In my remaining 878 days, I intend to write at least fifty thank you notes. I've already written eight so I'd like to think I'm on my way! Time to invest in some pretty new stationery like these from Mr. Boddington's Studio ;)

A Little Leopard

These two spaces featured in Elle Decor have me jonesing to reupholster a little occasional chair with a splash of leopard print. Place it on a neutral rug, add a big abstract painting, and you're good to go!

P.S. Happy birthday, Dad! I love you so much.