Showing posts with label desk du jour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label desk du jour. Show all posts

Desk Du Jour

it's been too long since i've done a desk du jour feature so i thought i'd bring it back with a bang. this space-saving home office and its built-in desk, red and blue wallpaper, and red chippendale chair make me happy. what do you think?

desk du jour

a ghost chair, a pouf, and a topiary all in one space means i'm a guaranteed fan. i also love the mirrors behind the desk and the built-in shelving to the right.

on an unrelated note, my post about our weekend in switzerland is up on my study abroad blog if you care to check it out. (hang gliding video included!)

on another unrelated note, i just added an "on the daily" feature to the right side of my blog where you can check out some of my favorite blogs. i read an embarrassing number of blogs and thought it was time to share the love! let me know if i'm missing one of your favorites :) i'll be adding to the list often as i find more blogs i love! i'd love for you to take a moment (or an hour...) to click over to some of my daily reads and i hope you find one or two new favorites of your own!

bicycle rides and desk du jour

my brother, grayson, and i just got back from a 26 mile bike ride from tours to villandry! those who have been reading for a while may remember how tough this ride was for me the first time around (read about it here and here) — but this time we one-upped ourselves by making it there and back! that's 42 kilometers, ladies and gents.
i didn't want to leave you hanging, though, so i thought i'd include this handsome space for your viewing pleasure. i don't know that it's exactly what you'd call a desk but there's a chair and books and lots of pretty, so why not?
seriously, how good are those black floors and that yellow chair? i hope you are all having a wonderful week — the weekend is just around the corner!

desk du jour

desk du jour / signing off

i have a long weekend excursion to normandy and therefore will be signing off a day earlier than usual this week. i have to wake up bright and early tomorrow morning but i imagine the experience will be well worth the travel! but before i go, i'll leave you with your daily dose of office eye candy...
how are floor-to-ceiling windows, an x-shaped desk, and an acrylic chair for tiding you over? just stunning. i'll see you all on monday. have a happy weekend, everyone!

Desk Du Jour

i don't care for the desk itself but i think the juxtaposition of old and new is very interesting in this space. plus how glamorous is a chandelier in a home office?

desk du jour

happy monday! i hope you all had a wonderful weekend. amsterdam was amazing! it's such a beautiful little city and so unlike any other place i've been. i'll be updating my study abroad blog later in the day so stay tuned for pictures and anecdotes from our travels! without further ado, here's some desk du jour eye candy to start your week off right.
i love the framed posters in this studio office. the warm colors in the art offset the industrial quality of the chair, the lamp, and the shelving quite nicely, don't you think?

desk du jour

desk du jour

the refurbished childhood desk of university of minnesota student anna kohler. the desk is nice but i love the lamp and that blue and white silhouette. like her style? read the ten things she can't live without on la dolce vita.

desk du jour

i love her inspiration board and the nailhead trim on the coral-hued chair, and i'll never object to a big wide desk and a stack of design books.

desk[top] du jour

such a pretty little vignette of worn leather and filtered sunlight. wouldn't you be happy to sit down to work at this desk?

desk du jour

white walls, dark floors, cool art... this is one of my favorites!

desk du jour

since you all seemed to love the use of jen's parsons desks in yesterday's desk du jour, i thought i'd provide another example of the high impact of such a simple shape:
if you're still loving the simplicity of this look, i've found a couple of relatively inexpensive options for you:
the ubiquitous west elm parsons desk, $299, available in a variety of finishes.
and a real steal: student desk from overstock, $170, white.

desk du jour

i love the idea of pushing two parsons desks together to create one gigantic workspace. the chic window treatments and perfect inspiration board don't hurt either. this brilliant design courtesy of jen over at made by girl.

desk du jour

a room with a view that incorporates my love of lucite and pink flowers.

desk du jour

this post is less about the desk and more about the awesome inspiration board behind it, not to mention the view of the city skyline to the left.

desk du jour

i don't particularly care for the actual desk here (in fact, i think i hate it) but i love the drawing on the opposite wall, the hodgepodge of colors (kelly green lamp, hot pink and yellow pencil cups, teal and lime green containers...), and the fact that they all work in this otherwise neutral environment.

desk du jour

hardwood floors. painted desk. chic hardware. fresh flowers. white beadboard. textured walls. fun chandelier. from floor to ceiling, truly a perfect little setup.

desk(s) du jour

the same craft table in three finishes and i love all of them! it's a utilitarian piece that houses all your office and library needs, not to mention provides double the desk space. when i checked pottery barn for the link to this particular product, i found that they're actually having a special! so if you're in the market for a craft table and you've got a spare $949 (hey, down from $1,157) lying around, i suggest you place an order for the bedford project table set. i think it's beautiful!

desk du jour

i love the organic arrangement of picture frames and the unlikely combination of chocolate brown, apple green, and red-orange, not to mention the gorgeous hardware on the desk!

on an unrelated note, i would love any suggestions as to how to make pictures bigger in blogger. this picture was uploaded as "large" but it looks anything but. fellow bloggers, any suggestions welcome!

update: i found a bigger image of the same office on houzz. i would still love your suggestions though!