
I'm in love...

Ladies and gentlemen, I now present the top I will be wearing every day this spring and summer. (And maybe even now layered underneath my navy blazer.)
What's not to love about that? Topshop, $56.

Mission Organization

For someone who's as obsessed with office supplies and organization as I am, I sure have a hard time keeping tidy. Thankfully there's no time like the start of a new year to vow to turn over a new leaf!

What are your organizational goals for 2012?

Curtain Call

I was absolutely blown away by your support for yesterday's announcement. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You sure know how to make a girl feel great! 

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

One of the trickier decorating challenges (in my humble opinion!) is finding the perfect curtain solution. Natural light is ideal in any interior — but it's not quite as charming when it's blindingly bright or causing a glare on your laptop or TV! Here are a few of my favorite solutions of late...

I love the idea of building a pelmet box to camouflage any unsightly hardware that goes into hanging the actual blinds or curtains. It's an easy and inexpensive fix that can be tailored to any shape or space! See Jenny's awesome tutorial HERE.