

I can finally cross #19 off my 101 in 1001 list. It's embarrassing to admit but this is definitely the goal that I started and stopped the most number of times... Drinking that much water is tough! Here's what worked for me this time around to finally get me on the right track.

1. Have a concrete, measurable goal in mind.
"Drink more water" sounds a New Year's resolution that starts with the best intentions but never gets accomplished because it's so vague. I went shopping for one huge bottle of water and found a 50 ounce bottle. I decided that to go from roughly 0-8 ounces of water a day (sad but true) to consuming this huge bottle would be major progress so that became my goal: drink 50 ounces of water each day for seven days. 

2. Decide how to measure your goal.
Like I said, I bought one huge bottle that I refilled each day. I liked being able to see exactly where I stood for the day and tried to hit the halfway point in the early afternoon. I felt ridiculous carrying the bottle outside of my apartment so I used my BKR bottle (I have the pink pictured above) to pour water from the big bottle into a smaller, more transportable option.

3. Have a buddy.
Eddy works with me in my apartment three days a week and is great about drinking water every day so it was super helpful to have him encouraging and reminding me to keep drinking. There were definitely times when I was sick of going to the bathroom every ten minutes or felt so full and so sick of the taste of water... It was nice to have someone who could make me keep going when I needed a kick. Coworkers, family, or friends would all make great partners!

4. Keep your goal top of mind.
It's easy to start drinking water in the morning and forget about your goal before lunchtime. Having one big bottle at my desk was a constant reminder of how much I'd consumed and how far I had to go. I also posted a little note on my fridge to remember to take it out each morning!

I know this might all sound a little silly (how hard could it be?) but it's definitely a healthy habit that I've struggled to adopt. How many of you are good at getting enough water? What has worked well for you? Let's hear it!


Consider this outfit my ode to back-to-school... Two years out of college. It's funny to think this tote got me through four years of college and now lugs my laptop to and from the coffee shop a couple days a week. My brothers head back to class this week which naturally has me thinking about back-to-school shopping, something I fully intend to do regardless of my zero plans to set foot in a classroom anytime soon. 

I finally got my eyes checked (for the first time since 2006, oooops!) as part of #83 on my 101 in 1001 list and had the hardest time picking out my new glasses. Unsurprisingly I landed on the same frames as my go-to sunglasses — I guess you could say I'm a creature of habit. They've made a huge difference (I'm literally seeing my neighborhood through new eyes) but seeing myself in glasses is definitely going to take some getting used to. Hellooo nerd alert. 

I hope those of you headed back to class this week have a wonderful semester! And for the rest of us... New "school" supplies, anyone?


I was totally overwhelmed by the positive feedback on my studio tour last week! I'm excited to break it down a little and share some projects and sources that have been particularly helpful for making it work in such a small space. Given the interest for this post on how to organize your clutches, I thought some of you might like to know how I organize my jewelry.

I started with these Container Store acrylic jewelry stands in two heights: one for bracelets and one for necklaces. I happen to own way more bracelets than necklaces so the taller one holds a mixture of the two. I keep my earrings and rings in boxes and trays — right now I have this on my windowsill and this on my bathroom counter.

My clutches and my jewelry sit on top of the dresser in my only closet (note to self: next apartment must have double the closet space). I like that the jewelry stands are clear so the surface of my dresser looks tidy and I can see all my accessories at a glance.

What do you think? Could you live with this organization system? How do you store and display your jewelry?

*photos by Trent Bailey for Glitter Guide