

I'm so excited to share that I've posted my second 101 in 1001 list! After crossing off 79 tasks on my first list, I couldn't be more excited to achieve more goals this time around. Please check out my new list in its entirety right here and tweet me if you decide to write your own so I can link up! Let's make things happen, people. I'M SO EXCITED!!!


Just when you never thought you'd see the day... A recipe post on Design Darling! My brothers bought me the cutest apron for Christmas (in the kids' size, ha!) as a cute little costume for our second ever video post. This recipe is a family favorite — it's great over asparagus or broccoli for vegetarians like me and it comes straight from my grandfather's cookbook (which we typed up, bound, and gave to my grandmother two Christmases ago — best reaction ever!). Without further ado, Hollandaise sauce à la the Horan family...

For six servings, you'll need:
1 stick of butter
7 egg yolks (1 yolk for each person plus 1 for the pot)
1/4 cup of heavy cream (or half-and-half if you're watching your waistline)
1/8 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 dashes of white wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2-3 twists of white pepper from pepper mill


1. Melt the butter in a double boiler over low heat.

2. Mix all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and whisk well.

3. Once butter is melted, add the other ingredients to the top of the double boiler.

4. Whisk ingredients together with butter until Hollandaise starts to thicken.

5. Remove the double boiler from the stove and continue beating with the whisk until desired consistency is reached.

6. Pour out hot water from double boiler and refill with cold water. Return double boiler to low heat and stir Hollandaise occasionally.

7. If you need the Hollandaise to wait while the rest of your meal is prepared, it will hold its consistency for up to an hour with occasional stirring and exchanging boiling water in double boiler base with cold water from the tap. Should you lose consistency, add a bit more cream, melted butter, and lemon to taste.

8. Serve while hot over steamed asparagus or as a topping for eggs Benedict (after a puppy taste test, of course!).

P.S. Subscribe to the Design Darling Youtube channel to be the first to know about future videos!


My mom and I had so. much. fun. in Atlanta this weekend. We picked up a ton of new goodies for Design Darling (I am so excited to roll them out in the coming weeks!!!) and made a little time to take you up on some of your fabulous travel recommendations. Here are a few moments from our trip...

AmericasMart is huge. I've been to trade shows in New York before but really nothing could have prepared me for just how massive this space is: three buildings, eighteen floors, lots of ugly design, and a few really awesome hidden gems just perfect for Design Darling! :)

I was so excited to finally see Ann Mashburn's space in person! The store is beautiful, the salespeople are so stylish I wanted to snap their pictures, and I could have bought one of everything in the store. A must-see!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. I'm not a crazy flavors kind of girl but the coffee ice cream at Jeni's was dee-lish.

I got to meet up with two of my college roommates who are living in Atlanta. We had a super casual catch-up night over margaritas at Tacqueria del Sol — I highly recommend. I hadn't seen either of them in eighteen months but we just picked up right where we left off. I love friends like that and I loved seeing them both so happy.

My mom and I wrapped up our weekend with brunch at Sun In My Belly. I was obsessed with these colorful mason jars... And the food was out of this world. The perfect end to a perfect trip! Note to self: get back to Atlanta ASAP!