Later this month is the one-year mark until the end of my 101 in 1001 list and suffice it to say I have a lot of things to cross off in the final 365 days! Because I'm addicted to making lists it can be a little overwhelming to look at all my uncompleted tasks at once, here's a mini list of tasks I'd like to cross off before the end of 2012.
19. Drink eight glasses of water every day for one week.
Why oh why is this so hard for me?
39. Ride on a sailboat.
Preferably in September or October...
41. Try acupuncture.
So looking forward to this one.
44. Throw a murder mystery party.
Hello, Halloween!
55. See a comedy show.
Any recommendations?
60. Read every Jane Austen novel.
Three down, three to go!
74. Find my signature scent.
Time to shop! ;)
87. See a double feature.
Maybe at Christmastime?
95. See five Audrey Hepburn films.
Thanks to my Aunt Jill for helping this one along!
101. Continue to put $10 into savings for every goal accomplished.
What's one thing you hope to accomplish before the end of 2012?!