
101 IN 1001 UPDATE

It's been way too long since I've updated you all on my 101 in 1001 progress! If you're new to Design Darling, I've been keeping a list (for more than two years now!) of 101 things I'd like to accomplish in 1001 days. My 1001 days are up at the end of September and so far I've crossed 63 tasks on my list. 

To be totally honest, I've done a lot and grown a lot since writing the original list and there are definitely some goals on there that are less exciting or important to me now than they were two years ago. Instead of beating myself up for not achieving all 101 goals, I'm going to focus on celebrating the things I have crossed off and concentrating on a few fun tasks in the months that remain.

Highlights so far... Inspiring 37 other people to write their own lists. (If you've started one and haven't emailed or tweeted me, please let me know!) Moving into my first place in New York. Launching my online boutique. Skinny dipping. Buying my parents a new computer. Rereading Harry Potter. Discovering ten new favorite restaurants. Taking a cooking lesson. Seeing a comedy show. Turning my grandfather's recipes into a bound book. Zip lining. Sharing my first outfit post (ha!). Participating in a flash mob!

Tasks I'm still excited to take on... Getting my apartment published on a larger site (bear with me a little while longer!). Throwing my first dinner party (even if it's a pizza party...). Riding a sailboat (hello, Nantucket). Taking my dad to a Red Sox game (bought tickets for his birthday!). Reading all of Jane Austen's novels. Seeing Taylor Swift in concert. Taking a trapeze lesson. Throwing a surprise party. Skydiving. Saving $10 for every goal accomplished!

A sneak peek of a few goals on my next 101 in 1001 list (yes, I've already started writing it!)... Traveling to a new country. Designing my own product for the boutique. Organizing a scavenger hunt with friends. Hot air ballooning. Posting a vlog! Writing goals to be accomplished before my next list expires in June 2016... Can you tell I have a tendency to get ahead of myself? ;)

See my full 101 in 1001 list here and please let me know if you decide to create your own! I've had so much fun writing mine, crossing things off, and drafting my next round of goals. If you're looking for more ideas for your own list, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers listed on #2 of my list as well! 

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Remember when I asked for you all to send me pictures of your desks? Well, Eddy and I finally had a chance to go through all of them and let's just say I have some insanely stylish readers. Time to step up my game with my own workspace! Here are five of my favorites...

{Lauren, Sunday Beach}
I had the pleasure of meeting Lauren at Alt Summit in January and she is every bit as sweet and stylish in real life. I love her floating shelves and of course her monogrammed pencil cup!

Like me, Suzanne positioned her desk in front of her window to make the most of her home office's natural light. How fun is her DIY upholstered Parsons chair? So fun to use two different fabrics!

{Julia, Lemon Stripes}
I love to see a desk decked out in Design Darling! Julia's monogrammed business card holder and pencil cup make a dynamic duo. P.S. She's even rocking my favorite flowers!

Is it clear that fresh flowers and monograms are the way to my heart? Clearly Lisa's a fellow Sharpie fanatic :)

My friend Amy's apartment is actually the cutest thing I've ever seen. She makes me want to hold onto every pretty piece of paper I've ever received! 

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Want a chance to be featured on Design Darling? Email a photo or two of your desk to eddy@designdarling.com and we'll pick our favorites to share on the blog. Keep the workspace inspiration coming! 


Army green and hot pink, stripes and sneaks, gingham and floral... Just a few of the combinations I'm loving at the moment.

*Images 1 / 2 / 3

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