

One of the best parts of owning an online boutique is the feeling that comes with rolling out new arrivals every few weeks. I love the challenge of sourcing new products, the fun of getting to collaborate with new designers, and the excitement I get from all of you when (hopefully!) you like the products as much as I do! I'm thrilled to have collaborated with the darling Keely (whose own site launches very soon!) on all the new paper goods to hit the boutique today. I hope you love what you see!
The monogrammed and personalized options just went live this morning, including a Design Darling exclusive in hot pink and navy blue Greek key! Shop the complete collection here and be sure to let me know what you think!


That's wishful thinking, of course. It's supposed to hit 97° in Connecticut today (ick!) and naturally I wish I could transport to my favorite beach on Nantucket and set up shop beneath an umbrella for the day. In the mean time, my countdown to spending the Fourth of July on the island is alive and well...

If you could snap your fingers and appear on any beach right now, where would you go?


Inspired by this pin, I decided to create a look around pairing sweaters and shorts. It might seem counterintuitive but for chilly nights (or excessively air-conditioned buildings) it makes quite a bit of sense. What do you think of this pairing?