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To me, there are few things more inspiring than getting lost in a great book with gorgeous photos. My coffee table book collection has grown quite a bit since I moved into my first apartment, thanks in huge part to scooping up multiple titles on sale at One Kings Lane. They have the best assortment of books on art, fashion, food, and interiors... I'd buy one every week if I could! Right now they have the Kate Spade book, my favorite Slim Aarons book, and the Barefoot Contessa cookbooks. Below is just a small assortment of books they have on sale right now but do check out the full selection right here!


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Have you ever done anything to enhance your eyelashes? I don't have short eyelashes per se but I'm definitely intrigued by the idea of lengthening them a little! (Side note: why are long lashes always wasted on boys?) I really want to give Neulash a try but I've also heard good things about Latisse and Revitalash. (I was searching online last night and found an overwhelming number of choices!) Do you have any suggestions on what you've tried and what's worked best for you? I'll keep you posted on what I decide to try!


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My style tends to be very classic (let's "blame" it on my mom working for Ralph Lauren my entire childhood, okay?) but every now and then comes a trend I can get behind. This summer it's off the shoulder tops and dresses. I think collarbones can be super sexy (in an elegant, understated way) and I know lots of girls (myself included) who aren't exactly in love with their arms. Enter the off the shoulder top, which is as breezy as a tank top without leaving you feeling quite as exposed. (Unless of course you can pull off a crop top, in which case this one is seriously gorgeous.) I've rounded up a few of my favorites below... Are there any you think you'd wear? What other trends are you trying this summer?