
a time for picnics and porches

how is the weather where you are? we're having wonderful weather in france and it makes me all the happier to be back. i've already had two picnics in the jardin des prébendes and on a park bench along the loire... spring has officially sprung! why not celebrate le beau temps with a handful of my favorite outdoor spaces?

the outdoor room is definitely an up-and-comer when it comes to design trends. with the newly widespread availability of indoor/outdoor fabrics like sunbrella, why on earth shouldn't we live outdoors?

i spotted this space yesterday on one of my new favorite blogs (and the newest addition to my blogroll!) and had to repost. how sublime is the wicker furniture paired with the pink-and-white striped pillows?

the exposed beam ceiling and trellised everything need no further explanation.

i don't think you could lure me back into the house! this outdoor room has everything one could ever need: a fireplace for roasting marshmallows, a dining room for family barbecues, even a lime green garden stool that i spy with my little eye...

doesn't this time of year make you want to throw a party? i'd love to model my birthday party after the color palette of this lovely outdoor table setting.

perhaps i'll include some hanging paper lanterns à la this beauty, though truthfully i've been eyeing these babies forever:

{pretty in pink poms by party poms, $30 for seven}

though this table setting is also calling my name...

either way there's nothing that being outdoors this time of year can't solve. i hope you're enjoying the lovely weather! p.s. if you've built anything like this:

...i would like an invitation as soon as possible.

p.p.s. i've been feverishly uploading photographs from our whirlwind spring travels and would love for you to head over to my travel blog, mackenzie en france, to check them out if you're interested. so far i've gotten through venice, florence, and rome — next stop, greece!


Unknown said...

Love the outdoor rooms, I am SO into those! I would love an upholstered sofa on the patio, and I agree, it can be done with the right covering, for sure! Gorgeous pics, glad you're back! Loved your comment on my post, yeah, my dad is hilarious, when a hurricane is coming he just throws the patio furniture in the pool and mixes a drink!

The Shiny Pebble said...

What a fun line up. I totally want the lanterns from the picture where you spotted the apple green garden stool.

E said...

The Roman and Williams and the Lonny are both breath-taking and perfect. Want!

Have I said lately that I'm jealous of your French life? :)

Deepali Kalia Interior Design Blog Filling Spaces said...

The photos are amazing glad i stopped!

Anonymous said...

I can't even decide what is my favorite part of this post...the pom poms, stripes, pretty flowers, or painted door. I love the idea of outdoor rooms...I just need to move away from Texas since it's too hot most of the year to use one!

Sweet Southern Prep said...

Love all of these wonderful photos. I'd love to be sitting in any of these locations, with a large glass of white wine.

And yeah, I LOVE Boggle! That's another good one we haven't played in awhile. Thanks for reminding me. :)

ashlina {the decorista} said...

oh hunny. this post is brilliant the photos are fantastic. great job. i love it! inspires me even more
thank you for your amazing and sweet words. i appreciate the love. xoxo

the red bungalow said...

These pictures are all so amazing. They so totally make me long for my own little garden area. :)

Happy Hump Day!

Bre @ http://theredbungalow.blogspot.com

rachel said...

ohmygoodness. every set up is so beautiful! you live in france?! how exciting. did you and your husband make it back ok? i hope they didn't keep you too long! lovely lovely lovely pictures. i want them all in my future house. ALL OF THEM. haha.

carissa said...

i was going to attempt to pick some favorites but i absolutely cannot! everything is so gorgeous! i'm in love with poms... i'm hanging them over our baby girl's crib.

Unknown said...

Its freezing here on the Westchester/Fairfield border...but I am loving all this warm weather inspiration here! Can't wait to view your travel blog!

a lovely being said...

those pom poms!!

I LOVE. I need them for my next party.

PS-- you should contact Bloch to see where you can buy those lovely flats! I'm going to do the same :)

XX fallon

the NEO-traditionalist said...

The yellow door! I want one to call home...sigh. Love them all, especially the pink and white striped cushions! You have such marvelous taste dear ; )

XX katie


Oh such gorgeous photos! Nothing beats dining al fresco :)

Emily A. Clark said...

Love them all! I'm itching to spruce up our deck (although I'm not sure it will turn out as well as your images!).


Elyssa said...

love love love those pink and white striped pillows!!!
All those pics are so pretty and summery!!

Keep in touch!
-Something Lovely

House of Design & Style said...

Oh yes, it is so the time for picnic and porches! Really great post! XO

A Casa da Vá said...

i wanna a house with a yellow door!

Splendid Willow said...

Oh, sweet Mackenzie! YOU are the one to watch!

Love your collection of images. You have a really good eye, girlfriend.

Cyber hug,
