

I was never one to get into the #royalwedding or #royalbaby, but I can get into a good #navyornothing look. Could Kate Middleton be any chicer? I could live in this look practically year-round. Here's how to get the look:

Navy blazer

Striped shirt

Skinny jeans

Navy wedges


Unknown said...

Kate Middleton is my absolute style icon! Everything she wears is dead on, in my opinion. So glad you chose to feature her! :)
Katy @ Classic Katy

Rachelle (http://pinksole.com/) said...

Her style is flawless.


PinkSenshi said...

These are great! I just love Kate Middleton; she is so stylish :)


Unknown said...

I totally agree! I seem to wear a variation of this look at least once a week - so simple and easy to mix up!

Alex said...

Kate has such a great sense of style! This look is so classic and easy to recreate!

Vett Vandiver said...

I loved the creme outfit she wore yesterday!

Jackie said...

She is flawless. That's one of my favorite outfits of hers'. Plus her hair is just gorgeous, I love the soft waves.

Laura said...

could you DIE for these LK Bennett Kate-esque wedges I saw at Bloomies the other day?! http://www.lkbennett.com/shoes/courts/SCZAHARA080PATENTPRINT

Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

A NICE Clean...Preppy look!

Laura (bright and beautiful) said...

Great post! Love Kate's style.

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

She looks amazing! I do love her style, classic .. with a trendy twist.

Monica, www.pear-shaped-gal.com

Catherine said...

I am OBSESSED with Kate Middleton, I think her style is absolutely incredible and I can't wait to see her new looks. Loved this outfit when she wear it to the Olympics and can't believe she rocked it again and looked so great after baby George!



The Charming Dress said...

She always looks nothing less than amazing! And yay for #navyornothing !
XO Corinna

Unknown said...

Well, she's perfect isn't she. Kate should have a style blog-- HAHA!
And look at her turned out feet, much like a ballerina. Hm, motion to give her a blog?
Your Friend, Jess

Unknown said...

This outfit!! Love it and so easy to recreate. Thanks for sharing this photo :)


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

could she be any more effortlessly chic!?

Unknown said...

i pretty much just want to dress like her everyday. So chic.