

I have a new theory that Eddy is probably sick of hearing me talk about so I thought I'd share it with all of you: I think all women are innately either bag or jewelry or shoe people. You can appreciate all three, sure, but there's one category that always draws you in more than the others. Do you think that's true? Which one are you? Here's my answer...

Shoes all the way! A new pair of shoes makes me totally reconsider my whole wardrobe; I start playing dress-up with pieces I haven't worn in a while and suddenly even my most boring outfits feel fresh and fun again. I've never worn a ton of jewelry — usually just one or two pieces from my boutique — and switching handbags always feels like such a chore. What about you? Are you a bag, jewelry, or shoe person? I'm dying to know! 

P.S. If you're a fellow "shoe person," you might enjoy a few of my favorite pairs at the moment...

*Photos 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11


Anonymous said...

I am SO with you on this one! I definitely think you can appreciate all three, but are always drawn specifically to one. For me, that's totally shoes! Plus, these images are absolutely perfect.

smith said...

I am a shoe girl as well. I think it has to do with being shorter...shoes can really change how long your legs look, how you stand, etc. Flats, heels, sandals, even sneakers....I love them all. While I appreciate beautiful jewelry (I only really wear two simple rings) and die over stunning bags (hello Céline), I'm more inclined to purchase a new pair of shoes each season.

Laura (bright and beautiful) said...

This is so true! I would classify myself as more of a 'jewelry' girl ;)

Unknown said...

I am definitely a shoe girl, that first blue pair are amazing!! Can I please add them to my collection?

Unknown said...

I always have and will be a jewelry girl. With size 11 feet, it's hard to find shoes that don't resemble flippers!

PinkSenshi said...

I am definitely a shoe person! Ever since I was little I have always loved picking out a new pair of shoes; it always brightens up my day to look down and see a great pair of shoes on my feet :)

Prep on a Budget

Dana said...

I definitely have an appreciation for all three, but I definitely gravitate towards shoes. They can make or break an outfit!

Pink Champagne Problems

Anonymous said...

Definitely a shoe person! Cannot resist a fab pair of heels, brogues or boots…they elevate an entire outfit!

Love those blue block heels...


Unknown said...

Who's really going to disagree with you? SHOES. LET'S GET SOME SHOES.
Although, I already own those Ferragamo's which I try not to wear every single day.

Your Friend, Jess

Lauren said...

I think I am more of a handbag person, but I am loving all of your shoe picks!


Catherine said...

It is a toss up between shoes and bags. Lately, I have focused on bags (always ask for a great one for xmas, bday, etc.) but I think it is time to focus on shoes! I desperately need a new pair of Ferragamos!



Vett Vandiver said...

shoesssss, but they've gotta be comfortable and cute!

Annie said...

I'm a bag girl all the way, which means my shoe and jewelry game are....they're lacking. Also, possibly: a jean girl.

Danielle @ Chic Happens Blog said...

I'm definitely a handbag girl. I'm a sucker for a new bag and change mine up on the reg. I do appreciate jewelry and shoes just as much though! ;)

Danielle xx

Unknown said...

I am totally 1,000% with you on this shoe girl thang. Drives the husband crazy! hA

Leslie: HauteReb3l said...

I'm a shoe person all the way! I always pick the shoes first then the outfit!


Unknown said...

I'm definitely a purse girl, with shoes coming in close second. I tend to only wear simple silver jewelry or pearls, and my job means I stick to flats most day. But I can always find a good reason for a new purse! :)
Katy @ Classic Katy

Kimberly Lewis said...

Definitely shoes! I never rotate bags and stick to my everyday jewelry or a statement necklace but I am all over shoes!

Alyssa said...

With you on the shoe love! Switching bags is such a pain, and like Kim, I'm all about everyday jewelry.


kelly mcleod said...

i'm shoes & handbags! gosh, i'm expensive...

love from LA,

Unknown said...

As the daughter of a shoe person (my mom is pushing 200 pairs!) I've always wished I was the same. There's nothing more put together than having a perfectly matched pair of shoes. I myself am a jewelry girl - a lucky one too, because both my boyfriend's mom and one of our oldest family friends are reps for different lines! Great question.

Alex said...

Love all of your picks. I'm definitely more of a handbag/jewelry person only because as much as I love beautiful heels I am not coordinated enough to wear them so I stick to cute flats instead!

Anonymous said...

It shifts time to time! And sometimes all the three together, which is really bad for my bank account!

Unknown said...

I am a firm believer that a girl can never have too many pairs of shoes- they can completely re-invent an outfit! I like jewelry, but I stick to the same basic pieces every day. I love bags, but I'm more practical with them.

When it comes to shoes, if they catch my eye I have to have them!


Unknown said...

I'm such a shoe girl!! I just can't help it! But then I would never say no to a gorgeous handbag either...
Charlotte x
La Vie en Gâteaux

Monica at MP Beauty Insight said...

Shoes! I could care less about hand bags, although when I read other blogs, I do get hand bag envy ;-)

Monica, www.pear-shaped-gal.com

RACHEL said...

Bags all the way. I am obsessed and cannot have enough purses.
xx, Rachel

Brass Honey said...

Definitely NOT shoes. I don't know why, or how, but I'm constantly breaking shoes. It's terrible.

I'll take a bag or jewelry over shoes any day :)


Shira said...

Can I be an everything person? ha! But i am!!!!


Cristina Marie said...

I totally agree that we can appreciate all three! As the years have gone on, I've developed a love for bags, shoes & jewelry. From day one, I've always been a bag lady. (my mom actually calls me "bag lady") Jewelry has always been there, but nothing too crazy, and I used to never be about shoes at all. Now..I love them all! But, deep down, all always be a bag lady :)

Cristina Marie

That's Zoe said...

I'm a BIG shoe person! I can buy the most expensive shoe (not so true lol) if I love it. I really love shoes! And you can match them with a great amount of looks, and you can also use them longer

xoxo Zoe

Mary F said...

I, too, am an unabashed shoe lover! I'd pick shoes over bags or jewelry any day!

Unknown said...

I feel like I'm betraying our gender by not being all about shoes. Don't get me wrong i have a closet full of cute shoes for every occasion but I am a jewelry girl all the way.

Portuguese Prepster said...

I'm more of a bag girl but I do love a pretty pair of shoes!

Jessica @ Here&Now said...

All about the shoes! le duh!


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