

Madewell desert boots (old, similar here and here)

My fall uniform: field jacket, stripes, skinny jeans, easy-to-wear boots. I wore this to the Head of the Charles in Boston last weekend and have been living in some variation of this look since the temperatures dropped in New York. What does your fall uniform consist of?!

*Photos by Amy Stone


I was never one to get into the #royalwedding or #royalbaby, but I can get into a good #navyornothing look. Could Kate Middleton be any chicer? I could live in this look practically year-round. Here's how to get the look:

Navy blazer

Striped shirt

Skinny jeans

Navy wedges


Can I let you all in on a little secret? My apartment is a mess right now. There are products from the boutique in the kitchen cabinets, outgoing shipments lined up at the front door, and a bag of packing peanuts currently sitting in my shower. Running a small business in a tiny NYC studio apartment is so not glamorous! I keep saying it'll make for a good first chapter in my book someday ;)

So here it goes: one of my biggest goals for the next year is to secure office space to share with friends who are also running their own businesses. I love working for myself but it's hard working by myself all the time. I have big dreams for my business and it's important to surround myself with the right people and enough space to make them come true! The very thought makes me giddy.

...which brings me to the above studio tour. The Everygirl photographed and interviewed the women behind Sugar Paper in their Los Angeles headquarters and the feature left me totally inspired. I'm so impressed with their space and what they've accomplished with their line and their team. I carry several Sugar Paper items in my boutique (shop them right here!) and loved reading about how they've gotten to where they are now. From my messy apartment, onward and upward!