Showing posts with label just because. Show all posts
Showing posts with label just because. Show all posts


This week's lesson: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. 

After my last phone took a little spin through the washing machine bit the dust this weekend, I am happily upgrading to the iPhone 4. (Thank you, Mom and Dad!) My first big girl phone — and no. 28 on my 101 in 1001 list!

Now I need your help. Any advice from fellow iPhone users? Favorite apps? I must know!

Media Maven

Hi there, ladies and gents! I'm taking this Monday morning to gush about my love of social media. Did you know that Design Darling is on Facebook, Twitter, and now Pinterest? In case you're not familiar, Pinterest is an online inspiration board, allowing you to pin favorite images onto virtual boards of your creation. You can follow other people's boards and see when people repin images from your boards. I'll be using mine to corral new online finds and keep track of old personal favorites. I hope you'll take a peek — you must follow Alaina and Ashlina!

Daily Crushes

Just popping in to let you know that I'm sharing my daily crushes on, er, Daily Crush today! Katie is a total sweetheart and I think you'll really love her blog. Enjoy!

Happy {Unseasonably Warm} Weekend

It's winter in central Pennsylvania and there's still snow on the sidewalks — but today the temperature is topping off at a delightful 70 degrees. 70! In February! Instead of questioning this inexplicable miracle, I'm going to spend the afternoon enjoying the sunshine while it lasts. I hope you do the same and have a wonderful weekend!

{photo of groovy style blogger Ascot Friday}

Two Guest Posts

Today I'm blogging about the essentials of the preppy young professional over at College Prep:

And talking Grammy fashion over on the Rue blog:
Please check them out if you have a moment! As always, you can find all my guest posts and press features on the press page of my newly redesigned site. Enjoy!

Dinner Date

My boyfriend and I will most definitely not be joining the legions of Bucknell couples in one of Lewisburg's few acceptable restaurants this evening. Instead he's planned a little surprise that I'm hoping involves cooking something simple and yummy. The above would work well if you swapped out the wine for champagne, don't you think?

Cheat Sheet {Online Magazines}

Please join me at From The Right Bank today where I'm sharing my opinion of each of the above online magazines. It looks like it's going to be an interesting conversation in the comments section! 

P.S. Have you had a moment to read my brand spanking new "about" page? I'd love to hear what you think of my little biography — it's so hard to write about yourself!

Black & White Beach

These two pictures have me yearning to escape the chilly Pennsylvania winter and head for warmer climes. What's the weather like where you are?

I'm A Winner And So Are You!

Big thanks to Sara Kate of Dwelling & Design, Victoria of vmac+cheese, Annie and Elizabeth of The Now Stylebook, and Allie of Desire Design Delight for gifting me with the Stylish Blogger Award! I'm supposed to share seven things about myself and pass it along to ten more people but I can't think of seven surprising things and truthfully I hate to choose so I'm going to do this instead:
1. If you'd like to learn more about me, head here or here (or simply stay tuned for my about page!).
2. If you're so inclined to reveal seven things about yourself, consider yourself a winner! I would love to see your posts so simply comment with a link here once you've posted.

Thank you, ladies!

Rue Hues

Please swing by the Rue blog when you have a moment — this week's palette is a punchy one!

Redesign Is Live!

Pardon my stating the obvious but for those reading via Bloglovin', email, or RSS, please come check out Design Darling's new look! Courtesy of the incredibly sweet and tremendously talented Hanna Nation of Gadabout, the new site is much more my style: a classic shift, a costume necklace, and of course a little bit of fun with the shoes. Stay tuned for information to be added in the header menu and, in the mean time, please be sure to like Design Darling on Facebook and follow Design Darling on Twitter

Now tell me, what do you think of Design Darling's new look?! 

Design Darling {Kinda Sorta} On Elle Decor

Contributing to Rue has been one of the most exciting opportunities I have had in the past year. I'm sure you can imagine my delight when Crystal emailed me to let me know that one of my posts for the Rue blog was mentioned on elledecor.com! Big thanks to Amy of Shelterpop for the shout-out that completely made my day/week/life. The online mention is definitely tiding me over until the real deal ;) Happy weekend everyone!

Oh You Pretty Little Things

Ladylike arrangements of glass perfume bottles, sunlight hitting the bodice of a dainty dress, and a pretty girl picking out pretty flowers. Three pretty things, just because.
{one | two | three}

Thank God It's Friday.

I was a less-than-stellar blogger today and yesterday and for that I apologize. It's been one of those weeks where there just aren't enough hours in a day. I'll be back in action come Monday and I hope to see you then. In the mean time, stay warm, let loose, and look good doing it!

Rue Hues

Here's a little sneak peek of what I blogged about yesterday on the Rue blog. Please stop by if you haven't already!

Back To, Um, School

First day of classes! I'm giving myself a little leeway in this final semester and starting off with dance conditioning, a mix of pilates and yoga that counts as a half credit course! Now if only I looked as flawless as Miranda Kerr...


Today my boyfriend and I are driving back to Bucknell for our final semester of college. I feel so old! It's the first time in my life I can truthfully say I have no idea where I'll be a year from now. It's a very exciting and yet completely nerve-wracking feeling.

Domestic Goddess

Cooking and cleaning have never been more glamorous than in the photography of Pamela Hanson. Matching bra and panty sets, serious bling, and perfectly disheveled hair make this shoot a personal favorite. If only my chores looked this good!

A New York Minute

Things in my neck of the woods are moving a mile a minute. What was yesterday a pipe dream of launching an inspiring interview series is now a forthcoming reality with an incredible line-up in the works! Trust me when I say these ladies will not disappoint. Thanks to your help yesterday, I am thrilled to officially announce...
The Design Dialogues! Credit for the name goes to my dear friend and lovely sponsor Roxy who went above and beyond, sending lists and lists of possibilities my way. When will it begin? As soon as my redesign with the immensely talented and totally darling Hanna of Gadabout is complete. And when will that be? I hate to leave you hanging but let's just say it's a lot sooner than you think. New design and new series before the month is over? A New York minute indeed.

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Rue Blog!

Here's a sneak peek of what I'm blogging about today over at Rue! It's hard to live up to the blogging greats (ahem, Cassie and Erin) but I'm certainly going to do my best. 
I'm beyond flattered to be on this talented team of Rue bloggers; I do hope you'll check us out and bookmark it for future reference! With a lineup this good, it's sure to become your go-to for design inspiration between issues ; )