
Chez Moi

{The coffee table in our family room.}
{A little vignette with a photo of my mom and my grandparents at my parents' wedding.}
{A sparkly year-round ornament.}
I thought I would share a few snapshots of my family home in Connecticut. It is so nice to be home for the holidays and have time to catch up with my parents, siblings, and precious pups. Don't forget to enter the January sponsorship giveaway!

Quote Du Jour

P.S. Don't forget to enter the January sponsorship giveaway below!

Sponsorship Giveaway!

Wondering how to take your blog or business to new heights in the New Year? I'm ecstatic to be giving away one free Design Darling sponsorship for the month of January! 
1. To enter, please follow Design Darling and leave a comment on this post. 

2. For a second entry, tweet the giveaway (include @mackenziehoran) 
and leave an additional comment here.

3. For a third entry, blog about the giveaway and link to your post 
in an additional comment here.
The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Christmas Eve 
(Friday, December 24) at 1:00 p.m. Good luck!

The Most Perfect Pantry

I think I would die and go to heaven if this pantry magically appeared in my home. Floor-to-ceiling open shelving and transparent glass canisters make for a very utilitarian chic display. Would you expect anything less from the styling genius that is Emersonmade? See more of her darling seaside retreat here

P.S. Check back during the day for Design Darling's very first giveaway!

I Wish I Could Draw

Behold the beautiful illustrations of Garance Doré, the wildly popular French fashion photographer whose eponymous blog has garnered international attention for her refreshingly carefree spirit and her glamourous portraits of girls with great personal style. Don't these illustrations make you wish you could draw? Or at least purchase her work somewhere online?

Leopard In The Home

{Metropolitan Home}
Leopard, how I love thee! It's a print that works incredibly well in small doses but how do you feel about it as the primary hue in these homes? Mary McDonald's leopard gallery wall — and upholstery — is beautifully accented with gold and black frames. The leopard runner is a fabulous focal point in a swanky black-and-white foyer but my favorite space, hands down, is Aerin Lauder's orange living room with its leopard sofa! It's not for the faint of heart but I think it's spunky and chic. Would you dare?

Holly Red

'Tis the color of the season and these ladies know how to wear it! Claire Danes pairs her ruffled cocktail dress with a sparkly clutch and nude pumps while Emily Blunt rocks a matching red lip and simple silver jewels. Whose look do you prefer?

{Photos from style.com}

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

Please stop by Caitlin's beautiful blog Sacramento Street where I'm sharing ten things that make me happy!

Après Ski

I was scrolling through my inspiration folder when I stumbled upon this cozy winter escape. The wood ceiling recreates the feel of a stylish ski lodge while black walls balance out the abundant natural light. Task lighting draws attention to a well-curated book collection that would be delightful to thumb through on a chilly December day. Comfy upholstered furniture, pretty piles of firewood, and plenty of blankets and pillows make it the ideal place to curl up with a good read. By the way, do I spy a window seat? Now I'm really in love.

{Photo via Full House}

Countdown To Christmas

I am home for the holidays and needless to say getting a very late start on Christmas preparations! I'll be spending the weekend holed up indoors to escape the bitter cold and hopefully to get a little online shopping done. This game plan calls for lots of vanilla latté drinking, puppy cuddling, and perhaps a little seasonal baking!

P.S. Those of you who follow me on Twitter know that one of our puppies, Fenway, has been a very sick little guy for the past week. Thanks to your well wishes, he is now back from the ICU and making a slow but steady recovery in the comfort of our home. I truly cannot thank you enough. Have a wonderful weekend!

Steal The Spotlight

I thought I'd try my hand at a little soirée styling! What do you think? I know hot pink and turquoise are hardly seasonal colors but year-round textures like silk and suede bring these summery shades right into the New Year. Wouldn't it be fun to steal the spotlight in this unexpected hue? 


I'm so inspired by Jen of Made By Girl's latest creation. Her Damien Hirst-esque painting completely transforms her minimalist white space. Granted, Jen is a talented artist but I have a feeling I could recreate the look in my own place with a big canvas from Michael's and a handful of paint samples! What do you think — must-buy or DIY?

John Stefanon

There are few things more exciting for a design addict than discovering a fresh source of interior inspiration. Imagine my excitement when I received an email introducing me to the work of John Stefanon, a Boston-based interior designer whose designs are a delightful blend of traditional silhouettes and modern comfort. Do take a spin through his portfolio if you're need of a little midmorning style! 

This Or That?

Can you tell I'm doing my best to pretend it's not actually below freezing where I am? I asked my boyfriend for the Victoria's Secret bikini for Christmas. The color — and the price! — are spot on and will be perfect for our senior trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina, come May. It can't come soon enough!

Pink & Leopard

There is something so aesthetically pleasing about this unlikely styling of a hot pink shift and a leopard print clutch. I haven't been able to get it out of my head since spotting it on the stunning tumblr of Patterson Maker and I'm not sure that I want to. Charming, isn't it?

Quote Du Jour

{image and quote}

Beautiful Boudoir

I know issue two of Rue Magazine has come and gone but I'm still hung up on these two photos from Crystal's stunning Chicago apartment. The mix of patterns is brilliant and the styling is effortlessly chic. It makes me excited to see what Crystal will do with her new place in San Francisco!

P.S. Please check out my guest post on Apartment #34 today! Erin is a total sweetheart and I'm so happy to be participating in her series on "hibernation."

Vote For Rue!

I would be so grateful if you each could take a moment (not even 30 seconds!) to vote for Rue Magazine in Casa Sugar's favorite online magazine poll. You'll recall that I attended their launch party and did a little writing for their second issue — your support would mean the world to me!

You Only Live Twice

How fabulous is this navy blue cocktail ring? I'm absolutely loving the name too. There are only a couple left! Santa, do you hear me? 

Guide To Art Schools' Top 50!

I'm so flattered to be included in Guide To Art Schools' list of the Top 50 Interior Design Blogs. Any list that features me alongside the likes of Design*Sponge, The City Sage, Little Green Notebook is A-okay in my book. Thank you all for stopping by each day and getting this little blog of mine off the ground! 

Chez Glamourai

Tell me you've seen these photos of Kelly Framel's stunning apartment featured on Apartment Therapy! I know I featured her as a Style Icon only last week but these were too good to keep to myself. There's something about a black and white palette that screams L.A. to me. How fabulous is her art wall and that massive photograph? Her little pup isn't bad either!